Friday, December 6, 2013

New Bodhum 003 AF Part 4

Serah: What are you running from?
Noel: Watch it, don’t go that way!
Winding Way & Tidal Shallows
Nothing strange around here.
Wow, moogles really do exist?
They’re investigating that thing from inside the meteorite!
Events that ‘shouldn’t’ occur, keep occurring.
Hey, what’s up?
So it’s safe to assume the meteorite caused all the strange occurrences?
That thing they found in the meteorite is very… weird.
Anyone else in the shelters?
Moogles aren’t monsters… right?
You gotta be kidding me!
Uh oh!
Okay… so I guess that’s the end of that?
Artefacts? What do you mean?
I’m glad there wasn’t too much damage done.
So, the thing they extracted from the meteorite was a ‘gate’?
I see them!
Hey, gotta work to pay the bills.
But I wanna know, what is this ‘gate’?
It was a perfect day to ride some waves…
All remaining residents should evacuate immediately!
Kill them all!
Things that shouldn’t exist don’t exist… right?

(Talk to the guy guarding the way from Tidal Shallows to the meteorite.)
NORA Member: Sorry, but you cannot go through. Orders from Gadot.
NORA Member (x2): They found something called a ‘gate’ from inside the meteorite.
NORA Member: If you wanna get to the gate, just ask me. And I’ll tell you this is the shortest way.
NORA Member: Just ask the surfers. They use this path all the time.
NORA Member: This is the quickest way to the gate, but Gadot is not letting anyone through. Not right now, anyway.
NORA Member: A key to the gate? Hmm, haven’t seen anything like that.

(Talk to the guy standing by the barricade at the precipice, near Rhett.)
NORA Member: I’m sorry, but we can’t let you through. We have a dangerous situation on our hands.
NORA Member (x2): Artefact? Is that some kind of food?
NORA Member: We can’t let you through. Too dangerous!
NORA Member: No can do. Gadot’s orders!
NORA Member: You’ve seen the monsters, right? Be careful.
NORA Member: Hold on. Why are you so interested in that gate thing?

Winding Way
(Catch up with the kid at the top of the precipice.)
Noel: Ah ha!
Serah: There, now we’ve got you!
Rhett: Miss Farron…
Live Trigger A: This boy’s hiding something. What approach would work best…?
: “I’ll buy you lunch for a year!”
Serah: You wanna tell me what’s going on? If you do, I’ll buy you Lebreau’s special lunch every day for a year!
Rhett: A whole year!?
Noel: Huh. Not sure about your style of discipline, Miss Farron.
(Back to Live Trigger A)
O: “What have you been up to, young man?”
Serah: What have you been up to, young man? Why don’t you talk to Miss Farron?
Rhett: Er, you’re kinda scaring me…
Noel: Er, I think you just completely creeped him out.
(Back to Live Trigger A)
X: “Talk to Miss Farron. Promise I won’t get mad.”
Serah: Why did you run away? I promise I won’t get mad if you tell me.
Rhett: I know you say you won’t get mad at me, but I can’t tell you. I don’t wanna get yelled at.
Noel: That kid was trying to get away from Maqui. I bet you anything he was up to no good.
(Move on to Live Trigger B)
: “All right now! Spill it, mister!”
Serah: Listen up, mister, and you listen good! Start talking or your homework gets tripled!
Rhett: Nooo! Please, please! Anything but that!
Noel: Not exactly making friends, are we?
(Back to Live Trigger A)
Live Trigger B: Maybe if I give it one more shot. I think I can get him talking.
: “I don’t want to yell at you.”
Serah: I hope you’re not misbehaving. It makes me sad when my students     don’t behave.
Rhett: I’m sorry, Miss Farron. Guess I’ll own up. The truth is, I stole something from Maqui.
Noel: And that’s why he was chasing you?
Serah: What did you take?
Rhett: This necklace. It belongs to you, doesn’t it?
(Item Acquired! Snow’s Necklace)
Serah: Hey, wait!
(Move on to next scene in blue)
O: “You don’t have to talk if you don’t want to.”
Serah: You really can’t tell me? Oh, well. Then I guess I won’t force you to.
Rhett: Really? Thanks! Maybe I’ll tell you later!
Noel: When’s that gonna be!?
(Back to Live Trigger B)
X: “Right! Out with it already!”
Serah: That’s about enough! Tell me what you did right this instant!
Rhett: Please don’t yell at me! Please!
Noel: Hey, hey. Why don’t you find out what he did first, before laying into him?
(Back to Live Trigger B)
: “Why did you run from Maqui?”
Serah: You were running from Maqui, weren’t you? Did you do something you weren’t supposed to?
Rhett: I was watching him work on the robots, and then I saw it and I just couldn’t help myself.
Noel: This oughta be good. And then what happened?
(Back to Live Trigger B)
Serah: What was he doing with this, anyway?
Noel: That belongs to Maqui, doesn’t it?
Serah: No, it’s mine. It’s a reminder of a promise a good friend made me.
Snow: Serah, I believe you. Your sister’s alive. She’s out there somewhere.
Serah: Thank you, Snow.
(He takes off his necklace and drapes it around her neck.)
Snow: Here, you hang on to this for a while. When I come back, it’ll be with Lightning. Then there’s no way she can say no to us getting married.
(Serah nods and Snow turns and walks away.)
Serah: And that was the last time I saw Snow. The memories I had of Lightning, standing on the plain beneath Cocoon… He was the only one who believed. Believed them enough to do something.
(End flashback)
Serah: That’s why I’ve been waiting here.
Noel: And doing nothing, right? Lightning and Snow are long gone, but you still sit here and wait. Why didn’t you go after them?
Live Trigger: Snow has been gone a long time. Noel wonders why I didn’t go after him. How should I reply?
: “Snow told me to wait.”
Serah: Snow told me to wait for him.
Noel: I wonder if he really meant it. Maybe you didn’t want to go and you were glad to have the excuse.
Serah: No, that’s not true. Of course I wanted to go!
Noel: Sorry. It’s probably the right choice, anyway. I mean, what if he came back and you weren’t here?
O: “Because of the children.”
Serah: I’m a teacher. I have a responsibility to my students.
Noel: Sure. But what about your responsibility to yourself? Were you secretly glad Snow was out of your life?
Serah: What!? No, of course not!
Noel: Sorry… It’s just that in my world… Saying farewell… well, it was usually for good. We didn’t like to let go so easily.
X: “I have faith in Snow.”
Serah: I have faith in Snow. He is a hero, after all.
Noel: And has that faith been enough? Neither of you want to be apart. Yet, here you are, alone.
Serah: Don’t you think I know that?
Noel: Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. But you tell me, what good is a hero if he’s never around?
: “Well, I wanted to follow him…”
Serah: I wanted to go. I wish I had.
Noel: It’s not too late. You can leave now, if that’s what you really want.
Serah: I know… but I just can’t!
Noel: I’m sorry. I shouldn’t pressure you. In the end, the decision has to be yours.
Serah: It wasn’t the artefact after all.
Noel: Are you losing your touch, Mog?
Mog: Kupo…
Serah: It’s not his fault. Come on, let’s head back.
(Talk to Noel just before the Beachfront.)
Noel: I’ve got a question for you. Who’s this Snow person? A boyfriend?
Live Trigger: Noel’s asking me about Snow. How should I answer him?
: “He’s like this really cool guy!”
Serah: He’s just this super cool guy, you know? He doesn’t care about the way he looks, but that just makes him so much cooler.
Noel: Oh, huh. That’s great, I guess. Maybe we should –
Serah: And he’s not just kind, he’s reliable too. He always means what he says, and you can totally trust his word. I-mean-he’s-my-hero-oh-and-I-know-you’re-thinking-no-one’s-perfect- I-know-he-has-his-flaws-and-sometimes-he-makes-me-so-mad-but-I-love-that-about-him- too-no-other-guy…
Noel: I get it, can we just get back to –
Serah: He-has-this-amazing-body-and-his-face-is-so-handsome-he’s-tall-and-broad-and-makes- me-feel-so-safe! Oh, and even though he’s big and tough, he can be so adorable. That’s my Snow. You done asking?
Noel: I’m done, yeah. Thanks for all the detail.
O: “My fiancé.”
Serah: He’s my fiancé. He’s off trying to find Lightning for me.
Noel: You mean, he’s trying to get to Valhalla?
Serah: Well, no. I told everyone there was something strange about Lightning just disappearing. And only Snow believed me.
Noel: Ah, I see. That’s the kind of guy that everyone looks up to, huh?
X: “My hero.”
Serah: He’s my hero. Snow and Lightning came to save me when I’d been turned into crystal.
Noel: Wow, he sounds like a great guy. And he lives in this village with you?
Serah: He’s looking for my sister right now. Out there somewhere.
Noel: Braving the wilds to find a lost friend. Now that’s the kind of person who might believe my story.
: “The most important person in my life.”
Serah: He’s the most important person in the world to me.
Noel: But he’s not here with you right now?
Serah: He left to search for Lightning… for my sake.
Noel: Brave guy. So you’re not the only one who believes she’s alive.
Town Square
Noel: No artefact yet, huh?
Serah: No, instead, my things are showing up in places they shouldn’t be…
Noel: I wonder if someone’s trying to mess with us.
Serah: I doubt it. No one here would do something like that.
Noel: I guess not. Unless they think they’re doing the right thing.
Serah: It might not be a person at all. I mean, with time and space being warped everywhere, anything could happen, really.
Noel: Right. And that’s how your things ended up out here? It’s not a bad theory. Okay, so maybe we should ask if anyone else is missing stuff.
Serah: Let’s head to the house and find out.
(You’ll notice there’s a glowing light inside the window of the bedroom of NORA House, and the townspeople are gathering outside it.)
What’s that?
That’s weird.
That’s not right…
What is that?
That’s so weird.
So strange…
This is odd.
What’s this?
What is it?
How strange.
How’s that possible?
Something’s there.
This is…
I don’t know what to do with that beehive.
Have you noticed anything strange?
No more monsters. No more!
NORA House
Serah: That mirror… It was never there before!
Mog: Kupo!
(Examine the mirror.)
Noel: Hey, check it out.
Serah: Okay, what is that?
(Serah touches the mirror. A glowing object emerges from it.)
Serah: How… How did that happen?
Noel: It’s… a twist in time. Something that doesn’t belong. I think this is an artefact.
Serah: We found an artefact, just as Noel said we would. Does this mean everything else he said is true? Did he really meet Lightning in Valhalla? Maybe. Once I step through the gate, I’ll be leaving my friends, my students, and the village, for who knows how long. Can you tell me, Lightning? Do I dare believe this man?
Noel: Okay. Now we just have to head for the gate.
Serah: I don’t get it. What was that artefact doing in the mirror?
Noel: Well, the mirror must have belonged to someone else in the past… or the future. Wherever it came from, it didn’t belong here in this time.
Serah: Scary stuff.
(Datalog Updated!)

Lebreau: If you ever need a good meal, just come on back here. There’s a NORA special with your name on it.
Serah: Thank you, Lebreau.
(After this, Lebreau goes back to her “How about it, future boy?” dialogue.)

Town Square
Noel: I’m going to take this artefact and open that gate. But you still don’t trust me, do you? I can see it in your eyes. If there’s anything you’re wondering about, or don’t believe, just ask and I’ll try to explain.
Serah: There is one thing. What is it you want, exactly?
Noel: A future that has people in it. I lived at the end of days. I was the very last child to be born. As I grew up, everyone I knew died, one by one. Until eventually, it was just me. All their dreams fell on my shoulders. I was their last hope. It was too much. So I left. Sure, maybe I couldn’t go home again. Maybe I couldn’t make everyone happy. But at the very least, I could rebuild a future where everyone could survive. So I went through the gate. I wasn’t thinking very clearly then. I had a dream, but I didn’t think it all out. I didn’t know what it really meant. But once I got here, and saw how you and your friends live in this village, I knew my dream could come true. In Valhalla, your sister gave me a chance. She gave me hope. The future can be changed. That’s what she told me, and I believe her.
Serah: I understand. Thank you, Noel. Thank you for telling me that.
Noel: You wanna take a moment to say goodbye before we leave?
Serah: Thanks, I think I’m okay.
NORA House
Lebreau: Any news on that rock? No one from Cocoon is coming all the way out here. We’ll have to deal with this ourselves.
Serah: You’re right. We’ve got to stick together.
Lebreau: Serah, you sure about that? If you want to catch up to Snow, you should. You     know, you can leave the town to us.
Serah: Lebreau…
Lebreau (x2): Where have Gadot and the boys slipped off to?
Lebreau: There’s plenty of chores to do if you’re bored!
Lebreau: What’s up? You guys hungry?
Lebreau: I wish we could have fireworks here like we did in Bodhum…

Town Square
(Talk to woman in orange hoodie.)
NORA Member: People have been talking! That Noel fellow seems like a good man to have around!
Serah: Yep! He even saved my life once.
NORA Member: You guys make a really good team, you know that? I bet Snow would be jealous if he found out!
NORA Member (x2): It takes courage and strength to protect other people.
NORA Member: Speaking of Snow, where is he, anyway? It’s been a heck of a long time since he left.
NORA Member: I can’t believe he hasn’t even dropped you a line, you know what I’m saying? I know it must be hard on you, with you guys just having moved in together.
NORA Member: You’re tougher than you look. You remind me a lot of your sister.

Rhett: Miss Farron, are you leaving us?
Serah: Wh-why do you say that?
Rhett: It’s just that some people were talking and it would be lonely if you left.
Serah: Don’t worry – this is my home. I love it here. If I do leave, I’ll always come back. I promise.
Rhett (x2): I apologized to Maqui about the necklace!
Rhett: I promise to be good, so please don’t go away!
Rhett: I want you to teach me more about science!
Rhett: I wonder if Maqui will teach me about mechanics and robots and stuff.

Hey, Serah, you heading out?
A lot of out-of-towners here lately.
I wanna give Mewmew a big hug!
Moogles are so huggable, don’t you think?
Huh? Where’s Mark?
I can’t find my boots.
My airbike’s not working so well.
I’m glad Lily understood my situation.
The fields really need some tending.
It was such an exhausting day!
I’m definitely having the NORA special tomorrow!
I want to pet a chocobo!
Free tonight, baby? Just kidding!
I’m sick of watching old movies.
If you run into trouble, I’ll save ya!
What an exhausting day.
It’s not his fault he’s never in town.
Things are kinda boring. Nothing’s happening!
A concert on the beach wouldn’t be a bad idea, either.
NORA kicks butt!
Hey, working hard?
It’s too early for this…
You guys did a good job, too!
Gadot, what are you guys up to?
Hello, hello!
I love my Mark so much!
I hope there’s not another blackout today.
Gadot seems really busy.
Time to take a breather.
No more meteorites, please…
Does that Noel guy want to join NORA?
I’ve gotta get some more practicing done before the show.
Seems like I missed the excitement.
You should come check out my show.
All right. I’ll hang out with you later.
I’m not slacking off. I’m on my break!
Hey, you kids behave!
Feels good.
I should take a nap on the beach.
I finally understand the situation.
I’ve stopped wanting to live on Cocoon.
Taking it easy, huh?
I had a lot of fun today!
I wonder if other towns have huge schools.
I saw Yuj and Maqui hanging out together!
I saw Lily apologizing!
Are moogle antennas made of crystal?
What a surprise!
Cats are so lucky. They have no worries.
I wonder where the pretty flowers are.
Miss Farron, are you going somewhere?

NORA Member: Hey, Serah.
Serah: Did you find out anything more about the meteorite?
NORA Member: Well, to be perfectly honest, not much at all. We did send out a warning to Cocoon, though. Their new provisional government might send help.
Serah: I hope so… But I wouldn’t count on it. I hear they’re having a hard time keeping Cocoon together as it is.
NORA Member: Yeah, I’ve heard that too. Apparently, the provisional government is taking over what used to be the job of the fal’Cie. And us NORA members are taking over what should be the job of government. I guess we have to rely on ourselves.
NORA Member (x2): I hear there are lots of people still holed up on Cocoon. But I doubt they would come to visit this small backwater town.
NORA Member: They’re constructing an elevator that can transport us to Cocoon, but it’ll take years to finish.
NORA Member: It’s been three years since Sanctum and PSICOM were destroyed, and the provisional government was created. I have to ask, how is it still ‘provisional’ after three years?
NORA Member: Scientists and engineers are in charge of this provisional government. Instead of the fal’Cie, people and technology have to keep Cocoon running now.
NORA Member: I hear people are arguing about whether to restore Cocoon, or relocate residents to Pulse. I’m perfectly happy right here in the boonies!

(Talk to the guy in the far beach house.)
Resident: I just remembered something. I saw Yuj cuddling the NORA House kitty this morning.
Resident (x2): Wasn’t Yuj the one who found the cat in the first place?
Resident: I bet Lebreau’s the one who has to feed the cat.
Resident: Sometimes cats just speed off for no reason.
Resident: Living by the sea is actually kinda nice.

(Talk to the blonde woman in the beach house.)
Resident: Your kitty is all sleek and brushed today!
Resident: I think ‘Esmeralda’ suits your cat much better.
Resident:  Kitties just love to crawl inside boxes, don’t they?
Resident: Looks like you found your kitty-cat! Isn’t that great?

(Talk to guy by gate to beachfront.)
NORA Member: If you’re heading to the gate, try the shortcut along the shore. You can use the mountain path, too, now that it’s not blocked off.
Serah: The gate is where the meteorite fell. So we should head towards Cocoon, right?
Noel: You know, it must be strange to have it there, always watching over you.
Winding Way
Noel: There’s still monsters around. Keep a lookout.
Serah: I will. You be careful too, Noel.
NORA Member: Gadot says we can let people through. Watch out for monsters, though!
NORA Member (x2): You’ll be fine as long as you keep an eye out for monsters.
NORA Member: Gonna give the gate a look-see?
NORA Member: Found any artefact thingies?
NORA Member: Going on a monster hunt?

Winding Way & Tidal Shallows
I just wanna forget what happened.
We should just close this area off.
We don’t have enough manpower.
Bring on the arrows and ammo!
I’ve gotten used to doing my rounds.
It’s really scary out here at night.
Let’s go home already.
Keep your eyes peeled!
We’re on a mission to protect the town!
I’m on the job!
Come on and get it, you monsters!
Today’s peaceful, but who knows what tomorrow’ll bring?
From sunrise to sunset, it’s a hard job.
As long as I’m here, everyone’s safe!
All’s good here!
I hope we don’t run into new monsters.
We need more recruits.
Any signs of monsters?
Good work out there!
Tidal Shallows
Serah: I’m glad we found the artefact, but that’s not the only weird thing going on here.
Noel: You mean like your friends and the way they act? Understandable, though. Guess it’s not everyday someone like me drops in from the future unannounced.
Serah: No, even before that… Everything’s been off for the last three years – ever since Lightning disappeared.
Noel: You say she’s disappeared, but I know where she is. She’s in Valhalla. I’ll take you to her. I promise.
NORA Member: If you’re heading to the gate, take this shortcut. Gadot said you were free to come and go as you please!
Winding Way
Serah: Not again!
Noel: Bad news for him.
(After battle…)
(Chocobos Primer)

(Gogmagog Fragment Beta)

Meteorite Impact Site
Noel: Are you sure you’re ready? You know, once we go through, there might be no coming back.
Live Trigger: If you go through the gate with Noel, you might not be able to ever return. Are you ready to begin your journey?
: “I’m ready.”
(Go to next scene in blue)
X: “Maybe we should wait.”
Serah: I’m sorry. I can’t do this yet.
Noel: It’s okay. You have to be sure in your heart.
(End scene. Back to same Live Trigger if you examine the gate again)
Serah: Yes, I’m ready to go. It’s not a dream or a lie. I know my sister is alive out there. I’m sorry I doubted you. Of all people, I should know how bad it can make you feel when no one believes what you say. Snow put all his trust in me. Now it’s my turn to do the same for you. I’ve made up my mind. You and I, we go together.
Noel: I won’t let you down. We’ll find Valhalla, I promise.
Noel: So, you’re not gonna say goodbye?
Serah: There’s no need. We already have, sort of.
(We see Gadot, Maqui, and Yuj lingering on the cliff behind them, eavesdropping.)
Serah: Lightning’s knife. It’s been sharpened and cleaned. Look, my pendant has a brand new chain. And Snow was purring like a kitten. Someone gave him a good brushing.
(Snow, in Yuj’s arm, meows. Serah and Noel hear and turn to see them. Lebreau appears behind the group on the cliff and gives the boys a shove.)
Lebreau: Why don’t you guys go fess up? Go on. You, too.
Maqui: Hey, Serah. I figured no way you’re leavin’ the pendant behind. So I made a chain. You know, so you wouldn’t lose it.
Gadot: If Lightning is alive out there… wouldn’t want her gettin’ mad over a ‘poorly maintained weapon.’ You know her.
Yuj: If you leave, someone’s gotta pick up the slack looking after Snow. So, I volunteered myself.
Serah: (to NORA) Thanks, guys. It’s time for me to go. I don’t know what’s waiting out there, in the future, between worlds. But I want to see Lightning so much. If there’s any chance, any chance at all, I want to take it.
Lebreau: You can go. But you have to come back in one piece. Promise?
Serah: I promise. If I believe, maybe a miracle will happen.
Noel: The future won’t change unless you make the first step.
Gadot: (to Noel) You know what you’re doin’, right?
Noel: Well, I can’t say that I do. This is the first time I’ve opened a gate myself. Guess we’ll just have to find out.
Gadot: Hey, what about Serah!?
Noel: I’ll protect her. I promise you. I vow never to let her come to harm. (Lebreau pats Gadot on the arm reassuringly.) Trust me. For Serah’s sake.
(Noel feeds the artefact to the gate, and it begins to glow even more brightly.)
Serah: I guess this is it.
Noel: Guess so. Looks like the future starts now.
(Serah and Noel levitate up into the glowing field that appears around the gate. Serah waves to the NORA members.)
Serah: I’ll be back!
(Finally, Serah and Noel are sucked into the gate.)
Lightning: Serah, you set out on your journey for my sake. You believed in a promise. You believed in a future you could not see. I will keep fighting here, at the end of the world. I know you will come. I believe in you.
(Two figures appear in the background, watching the group, unbeknownst to the others, a man in black and a young silver-haired girl.)
Girl: Serah…

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