Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Hall of the Light

Acolyte (nu mou to the left): His Grace Anastasis awaits ahead.
Acolyte (nu mou on the right): His Grace the Gran Kiltias is a dreamsage. He has known of your coming for some time.
[The party approaches the Gran Kiltias, who stands silent with eyes closed. Everyone waits patiently, except for Vaan.]
Vaan: Is he sleeping?
[Ashe quickly shushes him, but then another voice speaks. It is the Gran Kiltias, though he does not open his eyes or move his lips.]
Anastasis: No, my child. I do not sleep. I dream. For reality and illusion are a duality, two parts of a whole. Only the mirror of dreams reflects what is true.
Ashe: Anastasis, Your Grace, I am Ashelia -
Anastasis: Lay down your words. Ashelia, daughter of Raminas, I have dreamt your dream. Who better to carry on the Dalmascan line than she who bears the Dawn Shard? Your dream of a kingdom restored is known to me.
Larsa: Gran Kiltias, then give us your blessing. Grant the Lady Ashe her accession -
???: I do not suppose this is something you might... reconsider?
[A dashing, dark-skinned young man in sunglasses walks in with an attendant beside him; the party makes way for them as he approaches Larsa and Ashe.]
???: My little emperor-in-waiting. You called and I have come.
[Larsa reaches out to shake his hand, but the much taller man instead opts to ruffle his hair. Slightly annoyed, he turns to Ashe and gestures.]
Larsa: This is the man I wanted you to meet. Believe it or not, he is a member of the noble House Margrace, rulers of the Rozarrian Empire.
???: I am but one of very, very many. Try as I might, I could not stop this war alone… thus I came seeking Larsa’s assistance.
[He takes off his sunglasses and hands them to the attendant, while he lays his head back and groans as though exhausted, then looks to Ashe again.]
Al-Cid: Al-Cid Margrace, at your service. To think I stand before the Lady Ashe. It is truly an honor.
[He kneels and takes her hand, kissing it. Penelo is covering her mouth in shock in the background.]
Al-Cid: I see it is true after all. Ah, stunning is Dalmasca’s desert bloom.
[Larsa sighs with exasperation.]
Anastasis: In Archadia, Larsa. In Rozarria, Al-Cid. They dream not of war. Should empire join with empire, the way will open for a new Ivalice in our time.
Al-Cid: Hah, Gran Kiltias! You speak much of dreams. But in the real world, war is upon us.
Ashe: Gran Kiltias, I was told my coming here would prevent this war. I was to assume my father’s throne and announce the restoration of Dalmasca… treat with the Empire for peace, and persuade the Resistance to stay their hand. I have not come all this way to be asked to reconsider!
Al-Cid: A word from you and the Resistance would stop cold… and Rozarria’s pretext for joining the war… scattered, off to the four winds. This was what we had hoped. Alas, circumstances change. A full two years have passed since your reported death. Were it to become known you were still alive… I fear it could only worsen our current situation.
Ashe: Because I am powerless to help.
Al-Cid: [shaking his head] Nay, in fact it has little to do with you.
Larsa: Then what? If Lady Ashe were to extend her hand in friendship… perhaps I could then persuade the Emperor. His Excellency will solve things peacefully -
Al-Cid: The Emperor Gramis is no more. His life was taken.
Larsa: [sighing] Father.
[Scene change; Judge Gabranth marches down a corridor filled with soldiers.]
Senator 1: What possible cause could we have to lay hand on the Emperor?
Senator 2: A deception and an outrage! The Senate will not stand for this!
[Judge Gabranth enters the Emperor’s audience room, where Drace, Vayne, Bergan, and Zargabaath all stand over a body, collapsed on the floor.]
Drace: A viper amongst our Senators!?
Vayne: With Chairman Gregoroth as its head. He confessed and passed his own sentence.
Bergan: A viper with many tails. Much of the Senate is culpable.
Vayne: We had to strip the Senate of authority and assign powers of Autocracy to myself -
Drace: Spare me your lies! I see the serpent coiled here before me!
Zargabaath: Drace, you speak too freely!
Drace: Zargabaath! Do not tell me you join in this mummer’s farce!
Zargabaath: With Rozarria poised to invade at any moment, our leader must have a free hand.
Vayne: The once-great House Solidor is now reduced to myself and my dear brother Larsa.
Drace: Surely you would not go so far!
[Drace draws her sword and points it at Vayne’s neck.]
Drace: Vayne Solidor! As Judge Magister and upholder of the law, I hereby place you under arrest!
[Drace gasps; Bergan has drawn his sword and now holds it to her neck in turn.]
Bergan: Vayne did not make himself autocrat. It was the very Ministry of Law which you serve. Do you see it now, Drace? When you bared your sword at His Excellency, you bared your sword at the law.
Drace: You wear the mummer’s motley well, Bergan.
[Slowly, she drops her sword… then turns and slashes at Bergan, who quickly blocks. He reaches around and grabs her around her face, lifting her off the ground, and then throws her across the room. Her sword goes flying.]
Drace: Such strength - inhuman!
Vayne: Zargabaath, take the Alexander. Accompany Bergan and bring Larsa back to me.
[Zargabaath nods and turns to leave. Gabranth steps up.]
Gabranth: Your Excellency, Lord Larsa was placed under my charge.
Vayne: Oh? Perhaps you mistook your orders then. I see no other explanation for why you were reporting on my doings to my late father.
Gabranth: Your Excellency -
Vayne: A hound, begging for scraps at the Emperor’s table. Would you serve another master, hound? You may fulfill your duty as Judge Magister before us all.
[Gabranth looks to Drace, laying on the floor.]
Vayne: She has been tried and found guilty.
Zargabaath: Your Excellency, I beg you reconsider!
[Gabranth slowly kneels to set down his helm and pick up the sword that was thrown from Drace’s hand. He then moves to Drace, kneeling, with sword poised to pierce her armor. He pauses.]
Drace: Do it. I care not.
[Gabranth looks at Drace.]
Drace: Live, Gabranth. Protect the young lord. Protect Larsa…
Gabranth: Forgive me.
Drace: Pray be quick.
[Another long pause; then, he thrusts the sword. Drace stifles a cry, then quickly goes limp. Vayne takes Gramis’s hand and places it on his lap, as if to make him look more dignified.]
Vayne: And so House Solidor lives on.
[Scene changes back to the group in the Hall of the Light.]
Al-Cid: Let us suppose you approach the Empire with a peaceful resolution. The Late Emperor Gramis would have lent you his ear, that much is certain. But we are dealing with Vayne Solidor. Should the Princess return, he would claim her an imposter. All to tempt the Resistance into battle. Vayne wants this war, that much is certain. As our ill luck would have it, the man is a military genius.
Anastasis: The dreams have told me thus. To reveal yourself would imperil us all. I see war, and Vayne’s name writ bold on history’s page.
Al-Cid: Archadia’s banners fly high. They are making ready for the coming war. According to our latest reports…
[He reaches to his left; his attendant has papers in hand already for him; he takes them and reads them aloud.]
Al-Cid: The Western Armada prepares for war, under Vayne’s command no less. The newly formed 12th Fleet has already been deployed. The Imperial 1st Fleet stands ready. They’ll be under way as soon as the Odin’s refit is complete. And there is more: the 2nd Kerwon Expeditionary Force is being called in… to replace the missing 8th, so there will be no gaps. [folding the papers] The largest force ever seen!
Ashe: And then… the nethicite is the coup de grace. [turning to Anastasis] Gran Kiltias, Your Grace. I spoke to you of my succession. Let us put that aside. Should I become Queen of Dalmasca now, powerless as I am, I can protect nothing. With a greater power at my disposal, perhaps then.
Anastasis: It is the nethicite of which you dream?
Ashe: I require something far greater.
[Anastasis now opens his eyes and speaks in his live voice.]
Anastasis: To wield power against power. Truly the words of a hume-child.
Ashe: I am descended from the Dynast-King himself.
Anastasis: Indeed. Then you have but one choice. Seek you the other power Raithwall left.
Ashe: Does such a thing exist?
Anastasis: Journey across the Paramina Rift to the Stilshrine of Miriam. There rests the gift he entrusted to the Gran Kiltias of his time. Seek it out. The Sword of Kings… can cut through nethicite.
[Ashe nods and turns to leave, but Anastasis is apparently not finished.]
Anastasis: Why he would entrust the power to destroy nethicite, the instrument of his greatness… to another and not to his own progeny, I cannot say. Awaken Ashelia B’Nargin and take up your sword, or your dream will remain but a dream.
[Ashe turns and starts to walk. She stops when she sees Larsa, still frozen in shock; she gives him a regretful look, then continues on. The others follow her.]
Anastasis: [falling back into his mediation] My dream too, fades into day.
[Larsa leaves the party.]

Mt. Bur-Omisace

Sand-strewn Pass
Kiltias (at entrance): His Grace, the Gran Kiltias Anastasis, watches over all Mt. Bur-Omisace, land closest to the gods. Can you not feel your soul’s burdens lifted?
Traveling Merchant (seeq at right): This mountain may be protected by the Kiltias, but should you venture to Paramina Rift, you’d best go prepared. [shop menu]
Traveling Merchant (hume man at left): You don’t have the look of a pilgrim, nor a starving refugee. You… have money? Go on, buy somethin’! [shop menu]
Hymms: Many are the fiends that lurk in the crags of Paramina, but of them, the elementals, appearing during heavy snows, are the most dangerous.
Refugee (man with chocobo talking to Kiltias): Here, on Mt. Bur-Omisace, the Kiltias protect us, yes? We will not need to leave our home again, yes?
Kiltias (speaking with refugee): Be at ease. Mt. Bur-Omisace is a holy place, protected by the gods themselves. You need not fear a thing.
Refugee (woman standing beside kid): We gather in this place because Mt. Bur-Omisace is the holy mountain of the Kiltias. We are safe from empires and their wars, here…
Temple Approach
Refugee (man in brown pants listening to Kiltias): This is not the best land upon which to make a living, but here we are safe from armies and fiends. That is enough.
Refugee (man in blue pants listening to Kiltias): I was set upon by fiends in Paramina Rift, when the Kiltias saved me! I owe them my life.
Kiltias (woman speaking to group of three refugees): More than ten thousand souls find peace on Mt. Bur-Omisace. Our doors are open to all. The blessings of the gods be with you. Faram.
Refugee (man in blue plants speaking with seeq and other man): Me? I was born in Nabradia. My village was burned to the ground in the war two years ago, and I made my way here. I envy you Dalmascan folk. Even an occupation’s better than seeing your home and everything you loved reduced to a pile of ashes…
Refugee (black bangaa walking around): This place reeks of poverty. Tch, there’s not a thing of value in the whole camp. ...Uh, what I just said, you didn’t hear that. I’m a refugee too. They kick me out of here, I’ve no place to go.
Refugee (woman in blue dress talking with family): We cannot rely on the Kiltias to provide everything for us. We must do what we can to help.
Kiltias (woman walking back and forth): Ah, another refugee. I can see you’re weary. Please, eat and rest. You are safe here.
Refugee (man in brown pants speaking with seeq and other man): They say the Gran Kiltias Anastasis can silence a king, or even an emperor, with a single withering glare. What I want to know is, why does he hide up here on this mountain? He should be down there, stopping those warmongers.
Refugee (man in gray pants at end of food line): At home, I chased rats in the gutters - for food, not for sport. Here I sleep with my belly full each day. It is like paradise, you see.
Refugee (man in brown pants, second in food line): Ah, a new arrival? Don’t worry, no need to jump the queue here. There’s food enough for all.
Refugee (man in darker brown pants, first in food line): We are refugees from the Republic of Landis, fallen to the Empire long ago… before you were born, son. When we first came here, there were few of us enough. Now, the fires of war rage outside, and we are close to overflowing.
Kiltias (woman at head of line): There’s enough for all. Please, no pushing.
Refugee (woman in blue dress talking to man by soup line): Ahead on the temple grounds, there’s a viera, name of Relj. I’d heard her kind were frigid, but that one is made of ice.
Refugee (man slumped over sitting on crate, listening to woman): ...You came through Golmore Jungle? Ah, yes, I see, you jape with me! We both know no viera would allow a hume to pass through their Wood.
Refugee (black tattooed bangaa walking around by stone archway): Up from here are the temple grounds. Never been, myself. They don’t feed you up there.
Refugee (man in brown pants looking out over camp): See how many tents there are? There’s more every day. I’m thinking to leave this place. The more people come, the less space there is for all.
Kiltias (woman standing to right in stone archway): Ah, a pilgrim. The temple grounds are ahead. The Light shine upon your path. Faram.
Temple Grounds
Kiltias (woman standing in front of entrance): Welcome to Mt. Bur-Omisace, holy mountain of the Kiltias. May I ask why you’ve come to us?
>On pilgrimage.
I see. All are welcome here. Through these temple grounds you will find the sanctum where the Gran Kiltias Anastasis presides.
>As refugees.
I see. All are welcome here. However, this is the way to the temple where the Gran Kiltias Anastasis presides. The Kiltias tend to refugees beside the road by which you came.
Archadian Wayfarer: Can’t fly in jagd so I came by ship, but the view from here was worth the long journey. I’m no believer, but this place is impressive.
Kiltias (one of two listening to nu mou acolyte): Every day we welcome more refugees seeking the protection of the Kiltias, and our capacity to feed and shelter them grows ever more strained.
Acolyte (talking to a man and a woman Kiltias from edge of path): We cannot feed the refugees indefinitely, but must give them the means to feed themselves. If only one could magick foodstuffs…
Kiltias (man standing at side of path): The building ahead is the main temple. Within you shall find the Hall of the Light where His Grace Anastasis presides.
Kiltias (woman walking back and forth across path): You have the look of one who knows many technicks. But did you know that some technicks alter their range with different weapons? For instance, were you to use Souleater upon a winged foe, a sword would not avail you, yet a bow would serve in good stead. A good grasp of the situation is essential to prevailing in combat.
Acolyte (nu mou talking to two Kiltias in middle of path): The islands floating in the sky are said to be the remains of a great sky continent, shattered and fallen long ago. Even now, they bleed power, robbing airships of their buoyancy.
Kiltias (woman at right, at top of steps): Ah, a pilgrim. Continue on to reach the Hall of the Light, where presides His Grace the Gran Kiltias Anastasis.
Acolyte (nu mou preaching from atop a crate): My sleep oft troubled of late. I pray ‘tis merely the nerves of an old man. Light guide your path. Faram.
Kiltias (woman in four-person group listening to nu mou acolyte): The old and wise nu mou elders teach us Kiltias. Simply speaking with them is a revelation.
Kiltias (woman talking to man Kiltias at edge): We Kiltias live on the gifts of believers. In the past, Nabradia and Dalmasca, too, gave generously, but those days are no more.
Kiltias (woman in large group listening to nu mou acolyte): The elders are concerned about the future of our mountain. Are the ever-swelling waves of refugees a sign of more evil to come? Faram.
Kiltias (woman walking around area to the left stairs to Hall of Light): The refugee’s numbers are growing, while the pilgrims’ decrease. It is sad. I would think the faith vital in times such as these.
Kiltias (woman standing before stairs to Hall of Light): I ask that you remain quiet while in the Hall of the Light. His Grace is a dreamsage, and must have silence. Do not disturb his meditation.
Relj: Alone… Leave me alone. The hearts of humes are weak. I dare not grow close to them, lest mine grow weak as well.
Kiltias (woman talking to Relj): Alone…? Relj, do not say such things!
Wyrm Philosopher: I came to the Paramina Rift hoping to study a rare strain of wyrm known as the vyraal. Sadly, I’ve been most disappointed. If not the Rift, where might it be?
Acolyte (nu mou looking out over edge): Mt. Bur-Omisace is protected by the holy power of His Grace the Gran Kiltias. Once, long ago, a great wyrm, filled with avarice, sought to steal the riches of our mountain, but His Grace drove it off to Paramina.
Kiltias (woman on right, in middle of stairs to Hall of Light): Up the steps you’ll find the Hall of the Light, where presides His Grace, Anastasis.
Acolyte (nu mou at top of stairs to Hall of Light): Ah, you are in Lord Larsa’s party, yes? The Gran Kiltias awaits within. You shall find him through these doors.

Paramina Rift

Fading Vale
Kiltias (on left): Beyond this rift you’ll find the holy mountain. Take each step one at a time, and you shall reach your destination.
Kiltias (on right): Mt. Bur-Omisace is to the northeast. Should you go south you’ll enter the rift… take care. Gods guide your path. Faram.
Refugee (talking with seeq): The Kiltias of Mt. Bur-Omisace took us in and treated us warmly. Thanks to their aid I’m well enough to return home now.
Refugee (blue seeq): When newcomers what can’t walk on their own arrive, I carry them up the mountain. I’m glad to help the Kiltias, any way I can.
Freezing Gorge

(As the party climbs the mountain, they see the refugees also make their way to Mt. Bur-Omisace.)
Balthier: Empires parade down city streets, while refugees walk barefoot through the snow.
Larsa: And so I sue for peace to stop short war and ease their suffering. My father will choose peace.
Balthier: Will he now? You sound sure of yourself. You can never know another, even your father.
[Balthier and others walk away; Vaan is left with Larsa.]
Vaan: Don’t take it the wrong way, okay?
[Larsa doesn’t respond.]
[Scene changes to Emperor’s audience room in Archadia.]
Vayne: This crisis would not end were I gone. The Senate hates the very fact that House Solidor exists. By necessity, we must find reason to silence them.
Gramis: Necessity? Ah yes, necessity. Does that word free you, I wonder? You show no hesitation to solve matters with blood.
Vayne: The sword of House Solidor cannot be left to rust in doubt. It was you, Excellency, who tempered that sword.
Gramis: Is this your idea of vengeance?
Vayne: It is my idea of necessity.
[Gramis grumbles frustratedly.]
Vayne: If we do not act now, it is not only our future you imperil.
Gramis: So you would dirty your hands, to keep his clean?
Vayne: My hands are stained with blood. I see little reason to stay them now.
Gramis: So they are. And so House Solidor lives on.
[Back to the party at Paramina Rift.]

Golmore Jungle

The Parting Glade
Wood-warder: It is several years now since such as you began passing through the Wood, unwelcome. Some sought only to flee their pursuers, but others there were who thought to bring ruin to the Wood. This wakened in Mjrn a deep disquiet. That she should see this and leave the Wood surprises me little.
Dell of the Dreamer

[The Elder Wyrm rises up from the glen.]

Eruyt Village After Mjrn

Road of Verdant Praise
Tetran: Looking for something, kupo? [shop menu] I spoke with the viera elder about running my shop here. I was a little frightened at first, but she seems reasonable enough, kupo. Speaking of frightening, I have it on good authority that there are monsters which mimic crystals, and pounce when you touch them!
Fran: With Lente’s Tear we can pass the barriers of Golmore Jungle. The Gran Kiltias on Bur-Omisace waits beyond. Our business here is done.
The Spiritwood
Wood-dweller (viera with long hair looking out over edge): The Wood whispers with the winds of distant lands, bringing us tidings from afar. A tranquil heart and keen ear might learn much of the world beyond the Wood, never needing to forsake Her gentle bosom.
Wood-warder (viera at base of steps): Many of our sisters have we lost to the beguiling winds of the outside world. We must lose no more. Your coming holds no joy for us.
Wood-dweller (viera with shoulder-length hair sitting in center): This place is one of quiet contemplation. Your presence disturbs its tranquility more than I would expect… Nera alone seems cheered, but she has always been… unique. Do no look for such welcome from others.
Wood-dweller (long-haired viera looking up to the sky): Viera who leave the village are viera no more. Shadow and illusion make for fleet quarry, but there is little joy in their capture.
Wood-dweller (viera with bob staring down at flowers): The flower that blooms upon the water, the flower that blooms upon the land. How are they alike? How do they differ? Are they really different at all? Or does the difference lie in how we perceive them? It vexes me.
Nera: In truth I should not speak with you. But it is all right. The others do not concern themselves with my doings. Here I was born, and here I live. I do not think, though, that past and present need dictate the future.
Wood-dweller (walking up and down path to warders’ den and Fane): Our houses bear little likeness to those of humes. They are places where those of like calling, be they wood-warders or salve-makers, gather.
Wood-warder (near warders’ den): With Jote’s trust and blessing does Rael lead the house of the wood-warders. Our task of defending Wood and village is no small one. See that you do not disturb us.
Rena: Mjrn has returned, but still a weight presses upon my heart. Why is this so? Is she… different, somehow? Is there something I might do to help her?
Kjrs: Jote does not show favor to the sisters who share her blood. She is strict, yes. More so with her sisters, still more again with herself.
Rael: We have known of the humes in the magicite mines. They fear us, and have not disturbed the Wood. We keep watch on them, but we do not interfere. Mjrn knew of this, but this was not enough for her. She left the Wood.
Fane of the Path
Wood-dweller (viera sitting and talking to other viera): Jote leads with Hala ever at her side. Hala herself is a salve-maker of great renown who has served the village as long as the village has stood.
Alja: We discuss the effect different methods of storage have on herbal potency. Do matters so beyond your grasp nonetheless hold interest for you?
Wood-dweller (long-haired viera wandering up and down path): One who has left the Wood but once ought never be allowed to return. It is only natural that the children of the Wood should not traffic with the world beyond. It is our way. The elder is too forgiving of her sister.
Wood-dweller (viera with pixie cut behind the salve-makers’ den): Once more the village is quiet, still. All reason for your presence is now gone, is it not?
Wood-dweller (viera with pixie cut near Jote’s den): There are those who have raised their voices against Mjrn’s return, but I support the elder’s decision. Never in the past has she erred. I do not think she is like to start now.
Hala: Mjrn went against the Green Word. The decision to welcome her back has met with much discord. These foreign winds bring much trouble for us. You may rest here if you like, but do not interfere with the doings of the village.
Jote: Mjrn is yet in her spring. Trouble her no more. She would shake and scatter before the rough winds that blow beyond the Wood.

Mjrn: An indescribable sensation overtook me within the mine. It reached out, closed about my heart… then all was darkness. This loathsome shadow… ageless and ancient beyond any viera or hume… what was it?

Eruyt Village

[The scene changes again. The party walks back into Eruyt, Fran and Mjrn side-by-side, chatting with each other. Jote is waiting for them.]
Jote: I heard the Wood’s whispers. Take it.
[One of the viera beside her approaches the party, presenting them with a glowing pendant, which Vaan takes.]
Jote: Lente’s Tear is a permission. Pass through the Wood and leave. To other places go.
Mjrn: That cannot be all! I saw it when I left the village! Ivalice is changing! How can the viera stand and do nothing at all?
Jote: Ivalice is for the humes. The Wood alone is for us.
Mjrn: But that is wrong! How can we just hide here in the trees when all the world outside is on the move! I, too, wish to live freely - to leave this Wood!
Fran: Do not do this. You must remain away from the humes. Stay with the Wood. Live together with the Wood. This is your way.
Mjrn: But Fran - my sister!
Fran: I am no longer of you. I have discarded Wood and village. I won my freedom. Yet my past has been cut away forever. No longer can my ears hear the Green Word. This… solitude, you want, Mjrn?
Mjrn: Sister -
Fran: No, Mjrn. Only one sister remains to you now. You must forget my existence.
[Mjrn looks at Fran, hurt, and then runs away.]
Jote: I am sorry to make you do this.
Fran: She goes against the laws of the Wood. I threw down these laws. It is better that I do this. Better I than one who must uphold these laws herself.
[Jote nods to her two attendant viera to leave. She and Fran are left alone.]
Fran: I have a request: Listen to the Wood’s voice for me. I fear - I fear She hates.
[Jote takes a moment to commune with the Wood, then announces her findings.]
Jote: The Wood longs for you. For the child gone from under Her boughs.
Fran: A pleasant lie, that.
[Fran turns to walk away, but Jote’s next words stop her.]
Jote: Be cautious. The Wood is jealous of the humes who have taken you.
Fran: I am as them, now. Am I not? Good-bye, sister.
[You obtain Lente’s Tear!]