[Vaan and Penelo chatter as the party enters the area. Basch speaks with Ashe.]
Basch: An alliance between Dalmasca and the Empire?
Ashe: Reason tells me ‘tis the only course. We must avoid war with the Empire at all cost. Yet I fear I could not bear the shame. Had I but the strength -
Basch: A shame perhaps for me and for you. But for Dalmasca it is hope!
Ashe: And you can just accept this, can you?
Basch: After Vayne’s ruse, I had abandoned hope for honor… yet never did I forget my knightly vows. If I could protect but one person from war’s horror… then I would bear any shame. I would bear it proudly. I could not defend my home. What is shame to me?
Ashe: My people hate the Empire. They will not accept this.
Basch: There is hope.
[He looks to Vaan, Penelo, and Larsa all chatting casually and joking with each other.]
Vaan: Larsa, this is serious.
Larsa: O-Oh, I’m sorry...
Penelo: Don’t be. Someone’s gotta put him in his place.
Vaan: Larsa, this is serious.
Larsa: O-Oh, I’m sorry...
Penelo: Don’t be. Someone’s gotta put him in his place.
Basch: Hope for a future where we can join hands as brothers.
[The scene changes. Two Judges of Empire stride down a grand corridor.]
[The Imperial City of Archades - The Imperial Palace]
Bergan: The Senate may play at intrigue, but Lord Vayne will not be brought down easily. The entire military waits upon his orders, from the War Council to the rank and file. What better blade than he to strike down the enemies of the Empire?
[Another Judge appears.]
Drace: Your Honor reminds me of Zecht two years since. He, too, put his trust in Lord Vayne’s strength, and what became of him? Gone without a trace since Nabudis!
Bergan: I will not hear you malign Judge Zecht! He was a noble warrior. Or… do you think his trust in Lord Vayne ill-placed?
Drace: Vayne took two of his own brothers’ lives. He is ruthless beyond contempt.
Bergan: Ruthless, you say? Would he were more so! He gives traitors no quarter, be they of his own blood! How fitting for one who would bear the burden of Empire.
Drace: But could we bear him? [turning to the other Judge] Zargabaath, what of you? Surely you do not believe… his brothers were traitors.
Zargabaath: So found His Excellency, Lord Gramis. You would do well to mind your tongue, Drace. That matter is long past.
[The two see Judge Gabranth approaching.]
Gabranth: Your Honors, a summons! Lord Vayne has arrived at the palace.
Zargabaath: We come at once.
[Bergan and Zargabaath leave Gabranth and Drace lagging behind.]
Drace: Lord Larsa has left for Bur-Omisace. He hopes to enlist the aid of the Gran Kiltias in stopping the insurgents. I doubt this will be enough to deter Ondore… but even a slight hindrance to his operations would be welcome. This will delay the Rozarrian invasion… and we will have bought much-needed time to shore up our defenses.
Gabranth: Just as His Excellency had hoped.
Drace: No matter the result, I am pleased with the young Lord’s progress. I can already see the stunned faces of those mud-witted senators. The fools think a child emperor’s strings easy to pull from the shadows… but they will find that Lord Larsa is no puppet.
Gabranth: Yes. The senators would be most pleased with a puppet for an emperor. Recall, Drace, how the Senate fears and despises Lord Vayne’s ability? When they realize the truth, that Lord Larsa is no docile lamb to be sheperded… they will bare their teeth and devour him.
Drace: You’re right. I shall speak on this matter with His Excellency at once. Gabranth. It falls to us to protect Lord Larsa. Are we agreed?
Gabranth: Aye.
Game Hunter: We tried passing through Golmore Jungle, but we encountered some sort of barrier and could go no further. There must be a way through…
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