Monday, December 16, 2013

Travica Way & Ondore's Estate

Travica Way
Bhujerban Sainikah (on guard at Marquis’s estate): Haa, we’ve been expecting you. His Excellency the Marquis awaits.
>Take me to him.
You are ready for your audience, bhadra?
>I’m ready.
His Excellency the Marquis is otherwise occupied until sunset. Please, I will show you to a place where you may wait in comfort.
>I’m not ready.
Ondore: Sir Basch fon Ronsenburg. It was not so very long ago that I announced you had been executed.
Basch: And that is the only reason I draw breath.
Ondore: So you are the sword he’s strung above my head. Vayne has left not a thing to chance. And?
Basch: A leader of the Resistance has fallen into Imperial hands. A woman by the name of Amalia. I would rescue her, but I need your help.
Ondore: This resistance leader – this Amalia. She must be very important.
[Basch bows slightly in response.]
Ondore: You understand I’ve my position to consider.
Vaan: Would you let us see Larsa? He’s got my friend with him.
Ondore: I’m afraid you’re too late. Lord Larsa’s cortege has already rejoined the Imperial detachment. I am told they will depart for Rabanastre upon the arrival of the fleet this eventide.
[A very brief cinematic shows the fleet silently hanging over Ondore’s estate in the night sky, and a detachment of smaller craft flying out from the flagship toward the estate.]
[Fade back in on Ondore’s office, where Vaan is now being restrained by Balthier and Fran.]
Vaan: What are we waiting for?
Balthier: For you to calm down.
Ondore: Captain Ronsenburg. Surely the exigencies of position are not lost on you. Why, indeed, you should find the enemy’s chains… an easy burden to bear.
[A look of shocked comprehension crosses Basch’s face. Balthier catches on as well.]
Balthier: Wait!
Basch: Sorry. Can’t be helped.
[Basch draws his sword.]
Ondore: Summon the guard!
[His attendant opens the door to let in a string of sainikah, who proceed to restrain Vaan & co.]
Ondore: They’re to be taken to Judge Ghis.
[The scene fades to black once more, and fades into a different setting.]
[The Royal Palace of Rabanastre – Consul’s Chambers]
Vayne: Those decrepit, basking fools in Archades tie my hands, and look what happens! I tell you, this country’s obstinacy knows no bounds.
Judge: The insurgents in Rabanastre operate alone at present. However, should they garner external support, the situation could worsen. We have found the counter-Imperial elements in Bhujerba to be conspicuously well-funded. No doubt Marquis Ondore is behind this. Ondore must be reined in.
Vayne: By that way, the Marquis has written us a letter. He claims that he’s recaptured our runaway. He’s given him to Ghis.
Judge: He will die by my hand.
Vayne: Your fraternity is moving. Ah, Ghis returns with Larsa. Tomorrow morning they will leave Bhujerba. See him home safely, Gabranth. Now, I’m expecting Doctor Cid. You may leave.
[Gabranth bows, turns his back, and exits the room. As he leaves, he passes by Vayne’s next visitor, Doctor Cid, who appears to be enthusiastically talking to himself.]
Cid: We must see the real thing to be sure. Nabudis has taught us much! Yes, it’s well hidden. They’ll be off chasing after shadows, the fools. Ah, yes. The reins of History, back in the hands of Man. [turning to Vayne] Hah, Vayne! You seem to be enjoying your job as consul.
Vayne: I was kept waiting fully 2 years. What news of Archades? Our honored members of the Senate?
Cid: Hard at work as always, trying to find a dagger for your back.
Vayne: They are welcome to try.

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