Basch: The garif are said to dwell in Kerwon.
Balthier: So they do. We'll need to head south, past the Giza Plains.
Basch: It is the Rains now in Giza - the wadis will be swollen with the deluge. Passage may be difficult.
Balthier: But those same waters may also lay open new routes to us.
Ashe: Regardless, we must go south, yes?
Balthier: First things first. You’re eager to be on your way, I know… but we should see that we’re prepared before setting out.
Ashe: I made my resolve two years ago. I swore to overcome any hardship I may face.
Balthier: Man cannot live by resolve alone, princess.
Rabanastran (seeq with turquoise horn): The guards were running about like mad the other day. I heard a rumor that it had something to do with the sinking of the Imperial Fleet. I haven’t heard a word since. What do you suppose happened?
Reks’s Friend: I couldn’t help but overhear – you’re leaving to find the garif? Well, I happen to know the way. You first need to pass through Giza Plains. From Giza, continue south, and you should come to the garif village. Whatever your errand there, good luck.
Rabanastran (man in white, yellow, and brown): The other day I tripped and bumped into an Imperial. Normally I’d count myself lucky to get away with a harsh scolding. But he didn’t even stop to look at me! Just ran off like nothing’d happened. I wonder what was going on to make him act like that?
Busy Messenger: The Rains have come to Giza. You’d be surprised how the land changes if you aren’t expecting it. The boss has me mapping the place out. Hmm, anything useful? Well, the most important thing I found out is that the Rains opened a passage leading to Ozmone Plain.
Headhunter: Hey there. Hear about any juicy marks, boy? I’m looking for the parts what you need to make serpentwyne. Don’t want to be beaten to the punch… least of all by the likes o’ you!
Traveler: Vayne was scheduled to make an inspection of the Bazaar, but it was canceled for some reason. I wonder what could have happened?
Merchant (blindfolded tan bangaa): I thought about stocking wares from the village on Giza Plains, but then I heard it was the Rains – not a soul to be found there.
Rabanastran (woman in pink top and headscarf): The Bazaar is one of the few places in Rabanastre where people can go to let off steam. Can almost forget the constant watch we’re under… Almost.
Merchant (blue seeq): Nanna cheese! Nanna cheese! Interest you in a wheel, m’boy?
Trader: I set off for the garif village to see about stocking some of their wares. But I got lost on the way and barely made it back. I’m fairly sure I had the right directions – south through the Giza Plains, then southwest across Ozmone Plain – but I didn’t get very far.
Merchant (tan seeq at bottom of stairs): Out hunting monsters these days, are you? Better than your old “work” with the Imperials, I suppose, but still dangerous enough. Monsters fight just like me or you – they go after the one they hate the most, first. Like how we might go for a poisonous monster, you know? And there’s nothing monsters hate more than healing. You remember that. It just might come in handy.
Patient Bangaa: My friend here’s in the foulest of moods. “Moogle” this and “sluice gate key” that. He’s goin’ at it somethin’ fierce.
Troubled Woman: Vaan? I haven’t seen you around the city much these days. What have you been doing? Nothing too dangerous, I hope? I’m sorry… it’s really none of my business. But sometimes I think about Reks, and I get worried for you. Be careful, okay?
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