Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Eruyt Village

Road of Verdant Praise
Fran: In the village ahead you will find her: Mjrn. Bring her to me. She will know why you call her.
Fran: We will need Mjrn’s help if we are to pass through the barriers of the Wood. She will know that I have come. Bring her to me. I will wait here for your return.
Lulucce: Kupo! Where have I seen you before…? No matter… I know why you’ve come! I’ve just the thing to help you get to the bottom of all those viera secrets… Would you like to buy a map, kupo?
[Select a map to purchase.
Eruyt Village    60
So long, kupo!
Tetran: Kupo? I thought you looked familiar. You are the one who helped us on the Leviathan! We’ve had quite a time reaching this village. Oh, I hope you don’t think we followed you here, kupo. That wouldn’t do at all. Well, would you like to see my wares? You won’t find many shops around here, kupo. Best stock up while you can! [shop menu] Any merchant worth his salt needs but one thing to do business: a customer, kupo!
Tetran (x2): Looking for something, kupo? [shop menu] A little chilly inside the village… I’ve decided to set up shop out here, instead, kupo. Want to hear something scary, kupo? I have it on good authority there are monsters which mimic crystals, and pounce when you touch them!
The Spiritwood
Wood-dweller (long-haired viera looking out over edge): You are unwelcome in the Wood. She will not suffer humes to walk Her verdant paths; Her barriers deny you. Leave now, whilst you may.
Wood-warder (standing at base of steps): You walk a hidden enclave of the viera known to outlanders as Eruyt Village. We wish no consort with others. Leave us.
Wood-dweller (viera with shoulder-length hair sitting in center): Our laws forfend contact with the world outside. Here silence and solitude will be your companions.
Wood-dweller (viera with long hair, staring up at sky with one hand against pillar): I have no words to speak to a hume.
Wood-dweller (viera with bob staring down at flowers): It is because the spring remains apart that the flowers bloom. ...You would not understand.
Viera Maiden/Nera: Mjrn? Why do you ask after her? I am not she. What is it you seek?
Wood-dweller (log-haired viera walking up and down path): The sunward path leads to the fane of our elder, Jote. Though I cannot think she would speak with a hume.
Wood-warder (walking up and down path to wood-warders’ den): This path leads to the cove of the wood-warders. You will find naught there for a hume.
Warden Apprentice/Rena: Mjrn… her visage darkly clouded. A child of many gifts and much promise, yet she cannot bring her fierce spirit to heel. Ever do the storm clouds follow her… but why?
Warder-swordmaiden/Kjrs: The wood-warders gather about this cove. Mjrn is no wood-warder. You will not find her here. Do you come to visit misfortune upon us? You may expect no mercy if you do.
Warder-chief/Rael: What errand have you with Mjrn? What errand could you have? You should leave before aught ill comes to pass. For your sake, and our own.
Fane of the Path
Wood-dweller (viera with pixie cut sitting and talking to another viera): The fane of the village elder is just beyond this bridge. What errand could a hume possibly have with her?
Salve-apprentice/Alja: It is Mjrn you seek? She is usually just beyond this bridge, but I tell you now, you search in vain. I should not think she would even know who you are.
Wood-dweller (viera with pixie cut walking around behind salve-makers’ den): Leave me be.
[The party approaches the elder’s den. The viera eye them coldly. Penelo senses the tense atmosphere.]
Vaan: Hey, Mjrn lives here, doesn’t she? We’re here to see her.
???: You will leave at once.
[A viera descends from the steps of the elder’s den.]
Elder: It is not allowed for humes to walk on these grounds.
Vaan: We’ll go as soon as we’ve seen Mjrn.
Elder: If you can find her.
Vaan: We’re not leaving until you let us see her. [Jote turns away defiantly.] Fine then. We’ll look for her ourselves.
[The viera elder sighs a knowing “ah”. The party turns to see Fran has come.]
Fran: I’ve heard the voice of the Wood. She says Mjrn is not in the village. [turning to the elder] Jote. Where has she gone?
Jote: Why do you ask? The Wood tells us where she has gone. Or… can you not hear Her? [Fran looks away] You cannot. Your ears are dull from hearing their harsh speech, I think. Viera who have abandoned the Wood are viera no longer. Mjrn, too, has left Her embrace.
Balthier: And you forsake them in turn?
Jote: It is the will of the village. Viera must live always with the Wood. So is the Green Word, and so is our law.
Vaan: We’ll let you worry about keeping your laws. Just do us a favor and stay out of our way. We’ll find her ourselves.
[Wind, light, and leaves begin to swirl around Jote. She raises her arms, closing her eyes. After a moment she rests her arms again and speaks to the party.]
Jote: Our sister has left the Wood and gone west. She wanders warrens among men who hide themselves in clothes of cold iron. Thus to me has the Wood spoken.
[As Jote walks away briskly, Fran speaks.]
Fran: The viera may begin as part of the Wood, but it is not the only end we may choose.
Jote: [halting to consider her words] The same words I heard 50 years ago.

[Finally, Jote leaves them.]

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