Thursday, December 12, 2013

Muthru Bazaar 706

The Royal City of Rabanastre – Year 706 Old Valendian, Two Years After the Fall of Dalmasca

(The scene changes to a bazaar where a merchant is confronted by two Imperial soldiers.)

Imperial: Huh? What’d you say?

Merchant: Sir, you haven’t paid, and –

Imperial: (grabbing the merchant by the collar) What? Haven’t paid?

Merchant: On second thought, please, sir. Take it. It is a gift.

Imperial 2: Leave the poor sod be. We don’t want trouble today.

Imperial: (letting him go) Your luck, peddler.

(Vaan suddenly comes through, bumping into one of the Imperials as he passes by.)

Vaan: Sorry!

Imperial 2: Watch where you’re going, churl!

Imperial: What? My pouch! It’s gone!

Imperial 2: The boy!

(The two Imperials take off running after Vaan. Their path is blocked by market-goers, particularly a seeq and a bangaa who stops to talk to him.)

Imperial: Get out of the way!

(The crowd doesn’t hear. One of the Imperials throws their hands up.)

(The scene changes again to another part of the city, where Vaan, with the Imperial’s pouch in hand, stops to catch his breath. Suddenly, someone snatches up the pouch.)

Vaan: Hey, that’s mine!

(He turns to see a girl his age holding the pouch, eyebrow raised. Her expression changes to a frown, her hands on her hips.)

Penelo: What do you mean, “yours”? You’ve been stealing again. What happens if they catch you? We need you to be there for us, Vaan. You’re no good to anyone if you’re locked away in a dungeon!

Vaan: Oh, what, am I the leader now? We’re orphans. The first thing you learn is you gotta look out for yourself. C’mon, Penelo. You know it as well as I do… (he turns to see her rifling through the pouch) Hey, you give that back! What do you think you’re doing?

Penelo: I thought this money was the people of Dalmasca’s property. The Imperials stole it from us, so it’s only fair that we take it back. It’s our duty as Dalmascans. Well, wasn’t that what you said?

Vaan: Yeah, but, I never said anything about taking it back from me!

Penelo: This is for that bread you took the other day. Just because I help Migelo out every now and then… it doesn’t mean that you get to eat for free, too, you know.

Vaan: I know that. You think I like living like this?

(The two hear a sound, and a shadow passes over them; they look up to see an airship passing over in the sky above them.)

Vaan: One of these days, I’ll fly an airship of my own. I’ll be a sky pirate, free to go where I will.

Penelo: Well, be careful. You’ll never fly anything if you’re rotting in a dungeon! Oh, Migelo had some errands that need doing. He wanted you to drop by his place. It might be a good idea to lend a hand.

[Tutorial: Your location map often bears a mark showing your destination. Consult the map when you are unsure of where to go next.]

[World Map has been added to the Party Menu.]

Previous: Finishing Up
Next: East End & Migelo's Task

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