Saturday, December 14, 2013

Garamsythe Waterway & Royal Palace

North Spur Sluiceway

[Prompt at the bottom of the palace stairs...]

Vaan: The palace should be right up these stairs.
Climb the stairs. 
>Vaan: Won’t be easy getting out. Am I ready for this? 
>>It’s now or never. 
>>Better turn back. 
Turn back.

The Royal Palace of Rabanastre

Cellar Stores

[When you examine the Urn…]

[You obtain a map of the Royal Palace of Rabanastre!]

[Your location map for this area is complete!]

[When you examine the Passage to Garamsythe…]

Vaan: I’ve made it this far… I’m not going back empty-handed.


Palace Servant (one of two women chatting outside the door): I’ve not seen you around. Were you hired especially for the fete tonight? Then you should be waiting over by the stairs. Down the corridor to the end.

Palace Servant (woman in white, yellow, and blue pacing up and down corridor): They were smart to keep most of the soldiers out of the palace for the fete. Who could eat with all those people in armor standing around?

Palace Servant (one of two men chatting to the side of corridor): In times past, when the royal house flourished, a court painter gifted two signets to the King: one of a hawk, the other of a lion. While neither became the official seal of our kingdom, the King liked them, and so placed them in the halls of the palace. You can see the actual articles here on the floor above.

Palace Servant (man in brown pants & white vest pacing across corridor): Did you see the parade for the new consul? I had to work! Missed the whole thing… Come to think of it, I missed the Lady Ashe’s wedding parade, too…

Palace Servant (red bangaa chatting with seeq to side of corridor): I hope that fete gets done with quick. There’s something I want to see on the upper floor.

[When you approach the other end of the cellar corridor where the Imperials stand before a group of servants…]

Imperial: Have you gathered up all of the occasionals? …Good. You’ll be on clean-up duty when the fete’s over. Wait here until we’re ready for you. No one goes to the upper floor until we give the order. Step out of line and you will be punished.

Palace Servant (orange seeq watching the foot of the stairs): Clean-up for the fete? Hrmm... Maybe there’ll be some leftover... treats?

Palace Servant (man in green, red, and blue chatting with seeq): We’ll let you know what to do shortly. Just a little longer, please.

Palace Servant (black bangaa in red vest): I’m having myself a little exploration ‘round the palace. Lots of interesting things in here… and guards to make sure I don’t take ‘em.

Palace Servant (woman in blue, yellow and pink chatting with man): I thought I’d be able to see Lord Vayne, but they have me on clean-up. Too bad, eh?

Palace Servant (man in blue shorts and turban chatting with bangaa): When I told my friend I’d be helping at the fete this morning, she got jealous and spent all afternoon trying to think of a way to sneak in. Hah! As though she even could!

[If you approach the guard at foot of stairs…]

Imperial: Wait here until I’ve further directions for you.
Palace Servant: …What’s he doing? Trying to go upstairs?
[Talk to the orange seeq Palace Servant after this scene…]

Palace Servant: Trying to go upstairs, ain’t you! I know… Yer hungry! I don’t blame you. An empty stomach’d make me want to crash the fete, too! No, no, no use tryin’ to hide it! Look here, I’ll help you out.
Okay, so press [square] to call the guard. I’ll handle him when he comes, and you make for the stairs! Ah, get too close and he’s liable to notice you. Let’s give ‘er a try!

[When you press the square button as prompted…]

Vaan: Over here! or Hellooooo! or Hey bucket head!

Palace Servant: Now’s yer chance! Get goin’!

[If you fail to sneak by the guard unnoticed...]

Palace Servant: You... weren’t the swiftest pup in the litter, were you? Okay, one more time! Sopress [square] to call the guard. I’ll handle him when he comes, and you make for the stairs! Ah, get too close and he’s liable to notice you. Let’s give ‘er another try!

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