Friday, December 6, 2013

New Bodhum 003 AF Part 1

New Bodhum 003 AF
Episode 1: A World Without Cocoon
Lightning: Time flows without pause. In a world where I no longer exist, the future is about to change.
Lightning: Serah. The truth still survives. But only you remember it.
(Serah, sleeping in the bed, stirs. Her clothing glows and transforms into a totally different outfit.)
Serah: Lightning… She was fighting. I guess it was just a dream. (pause) Such a strange dream…
(An explosion outside.)
Serah: What? What was that?
(Serah finally notices her clothes.)
Serah: Where did these clothes come from? (pause) What’s happening out there?
Datalog: Camera Settings

Datalog: Datalog

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Objective: Open the door and head outside
Live Trigger: Dreams of strange worlds; clothes appearing from nowhere. What’s going on?
: “Was that a vision of the future?”
Serah: That dream felt so familiar. Like my horrible vision of Cocoon’s collapse. Maybe the dream was really a vision. Maybe it was Lightning in the future. But no… that can’t be right. Lightning is gone, transformed into that crystal pillar…
O: “Am I still dreaming?”
Serah: Is this a dream? These clothes aren’t even mine. I must still be asleep. I have to wake up. Lightning… Lightning is gone.
X: “A message from Lightning?”
Serah: Lightning? Lightning is gone… But then… what was that dream I just had…? A message from the other side? No. She can’t be dead. And these clothes. Are they from the other side as well?
: “Is someone coming here?”
Serah: That guy I saw with Lightning… I don’t think I’ve ever seen him before. So why does he seem so familiar? Maybe we’re going to meet in the future.
(Suddenly, the world around her distorts. Instead of New Bodhum, she sees a barren wasteland.)
Serah: What’s happening?
Live Trigger: Where’s the village? Everything out here is completely different. What is this place?
: “Is everything I remember a lie?”
Serah: This place… Did I always live here? Are my memories just lies? Was it all fake? This has happened before… I felt things change when Lightning disappeared. Why? I don’t know this place – I don’t belong here!
O: “Is this still a dream?”
Serah: What is this place? Could I still be dreaming? No more… I can’t take this. How do I get away from here? This is all just a bad dream. Wake up. I just have to wake up.
X: “Is this the future?”
Serah: How… how did I get here? This place – it’s like the world has ended… Wait, maybe this is the future. Is this what’s going to happen to us? But why? Enough! I want to go home!
: “Have I died?”
Serah: Where on Pulse is this? There’s nothing here, not one living thing. Is this the afterlife? But how did I die? If I’m dead, then maybe I can find Lightning.
(Serah kneels to the ground. Then, New Bodhum comes into focus again. Scenes of the NORA members fighting strange monsters freeze before everything sets in motion again.)
Serah: Gadot!
Gadot: Serah, come on!
Yuj: Everyone, this way!
(Gogmagog appears.)
Maqui: What is that!?
Gadot: Take that!
(Serah is confronted by one of the monsters.)
Serah: No, please, no!
Serah: Lightning, help me!
(Gunfire rains on the monster. Lebreau comes running in, machine gunning, and grabs Serah by the arm.)
Lebreau: Get ahold of yourself! Lightning can’t protect you anymore. You have to look after yourself now. Do you hear me? Your sister’s dead. She can’t help you!
(Lebreau is tackled by the monster.)
Serah: Lebreau!
(Another barrage suddenly takes down the monsters in front of them.)
Noel: You want her? Then you’re gonna have to go through me!
(Noel jumps between Serah and the monsters.)
Noel: Get up, Serah.
Serah: You were in my dream. I saw you.
Noel: Save it for later. (offers her the crossbow) Can you fight?
Serah: If I have to?
(Serah takes the bow and gets up.)
Noel: You’re gonna have to. (brandishing his sword) One more thing. Don’t ever lay down and wait to die!
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Objective: Defeat all hostiles
Lebreau: Ugh.
Lebreau: Ow…
Lebreau: Hmm…
Gadot: Serah! You okay?
Gadot: Is Lebreau okay?
Gadot: We gotta handle this mess!
Gadot: You’re askin’ for it!
Gadot: Dammit!
Gadot: This’s the real thing, boys and girls!
Maqui: They don’t give up!
Maqui: I-I-I got this!
Maqui: I’m not cut out for this…
Maqui: What the… when… where!?
Maqui: This ain’t lookin’ good!
Yuj: No end to these things!
Yuj: Serah! Be careful!
Yuj: Everyone! Stay close!
Yuj: We need Snow here!
Yuj: You want some!?
They’re not from around here, that’s for sure.
We’re in trouble!
How’s this?
Gadot! Help me!
Leave this to me!
You gotta help them! You gotta help them!
All right, let’s do this!
Let’s finish them off!
I gotta stay tough!
Gadot! Quick! Over here!
Maqui: Hey, Serah, are you okay?
Serah: Yeah.
Yuj: Maqui!
Maqui: Gotta go!
Serah: Okay.
(Maqui runs off to a group gathering near the town barricade.)
Gadot: Alright, everyone, listen up. The meteorite hit over there. We’re gonna check it out.
Yuj: Team Yuj, ready to roll.
Maqui: And careful. That area’s crawling with monsters.
Gadot: So stay close. C’mon.
Yuj: You heard him. Move out!
Maqui: With you!
(Over by the NORA House, Serah and Noel stand over Lebreau.)
Serah: (to Lebreau) You’re okay.
Noel: She took a hit, but she’s gonna be fine. She just needs some rest.
Serah: Thank goodness. And thank you… Whoever you are.
Noel: Noel Kreiss.
Serah: Okay.
Noel: And before I forget… It wasn’t just me. You should probably thank this little guy, too.
(The bow suddenly turns into a moogle.)
Serah: Wow. Is that a toy moogle?
Noel: He’s supposed to be your lucky charm. Your sister gave him to me.
Serah: Wait, you know Lightning?
(Serah grabs the moogle and clutches him tightly. He squirms uncomfortably.)
Noel: She’s the one who told me to come here.
Serah: Where? Where did you see her? Was it… Valhalla?
Noel: Yeah. How’d you guess?
(Serah finally lets go of the moogle.)
Serah: I saw it in a dream. I saw my sister. She gave you the moogle. Then the meteorite came…
Noel: …and dragged me along with it, I guess.
Serah: Do you mean, you actually rode here on that meteorite?
Noel: Maybe, I don’t know. Damned if I can remember. Why don’t we go and check it out?
Serah: Okay.
Serah: Now I know for sure. Lightning is alive. She’s in a place called Valhalla. I’d only just met Noel, but I believed him. I believed every word he said. Even though it couldn’t possibly be true. It seems like only yesterday. The smile on Lightning’s face when she gave her blessing for Snow and me to get married. But, I’m the only one who ever remembered that. No one believes. It’s just a dream, they say, from when I slept in the crystal. An illusion. They say my sister is gone. That three years ago, she sacrificed herself to stop the fall of Cocoon. She turned into the crystal pillar that holds Cocoon above the surface of Pulse, and saved both worlds. That’s what they say. But even so…
(Datalog Updated!)

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