Sunday, December 15, 2013

Travica Way

Balthier: The Lhusu Mines are just up ahead. Though, I do hear there’s not much left there these days.
????: You’re on your way to the mines?
[The party looks in the direction of the speaker to see a boy perhaps a bit younger than Vaan and Penelo leaning on the wall. He hops down and approaches them.]
????: Then please, allow me to accompany you. I’ve an errand to attend to there.
Basch: What manner of errand?
????: What errand? I might ask the same of you.
Balthier: Right, come on then.
Vaan: What?
????: Excellent.
Balthier: Do me a favor and stay where I can keep my eye on you. Should be less trouble that way.
????: For us both.
Vaan: So what’s your name?
????: Oh, I – I’m Lamont.
Vaan: Don’t worry. I don’t know what’s in that mine, Lamont, but you’re in good hands. Right, Basch?
[Basch and Balthier look at each other in dismay as Vaan nonchalantly reveals Basch’s identity. Then Balthier smirks and shrugs. Lamont seems unsuspecting.]
[Lamont joins the party as a guest!]
Bhujerban (man in turban and brown & green shorts): Did you know that Bhujerba is the freest city in all Ivalice? His Excellency the Marquis Ondore treats with the Empire to ensure our sovereignty.
Bhujerban (woman in white pacing up and down bridge): It is most curious. I have lived here all my life, yet I often forget that Bhujerba is, indeed, a city in the sky. If one were to fall from here… kastam!
Bhujerban (moogle with green pom-pom sitting on wall): Did you know that House Ondore has maintained Bhujerba’s neutrality for ages, kupo? You did? Well did you know that Marquis Ondore’s estate is up the steps across the bridge, kupo? You did?
Bhujerban Sainikah: You may see Imperials on our streets, bhadra, but do not be alarmed. Bhujerba is neutral. Our ports are open to all.
Bhujerban (woman in white sitting on wall next to kid): Is it true where you come from, too, that young boys love the sky? My son, he wishes to become a pilot when he is older. Haa… a pilot!
Bhujerban (man in green, red, and blue leaning against wall, talking to woman): I moved here from Rabanastre, you know. How startled I was to see the Imperials here on such good behavior… not like those cretins back home.
Bhujerban (woman in green, pink, and brown sitting on ledge): Bhujerba is not great in size, but as our mines are rich in quality magicite, so are our lives rich. It is a good place to live. Did you know that the best magicite may be used in many applications? It is a most wonderful energy source. There is none greater!
Bhujerban (tan bangaa walking up and down stairs): Seen the Imperials scurrying about? Insects, they are. If I were the Marquis, I’d have given them the boot a long time ago.
Bhujerban Sainikah: Tell me, bhadra, why is it that you have come to Bhujerba? No, do not tell me. For I already know. It is to see her architecture, yes? Many are the travelers who visit us to see her arches and promenades, each built to take advantage of our most lofty position in the sky.
Archadian Wayfarer: That Ondore! He has the temerity to turn me, a citizen of the Empire, away at his gate? He needs to be taught a lesson in humility, he does. Eh? Ondore’s residence? Just up these steps and to the left. You’re not getting in, though. Trust me.
City Parijanah: Svagatam, traveler! Welcome! I am a parijanah, a sort of guide. May I be of assistance? The way to the Lhusu Mines? Haa, this is difficult. There are many Imperial blockades… It is a long way, but go southward along this road. You will find it most helpful to purchase a map at the Cartographers’. Of course, you may always ask a parijanah the way, should you become lost. Good journey to you, bhadra.
Cartographers’ Guild: How are you enjoying our beautiful city, kupo? Would you like to buy a map, kupo?
[Select a map to purchase.
Bhujerba                70
Lhusu Mines         650
So long, kupo!
Bhujerban (woman in white leaning against wall next to armory): The estate of Marquis Ondore is ahead from here. The Marquis’s house is as old as the royal family of Dalmasca, did you know? Perhaps it is now the oldest surviving House in Ivalice.
[If you try to enter Ondore’s estate…]
Bhujerban Sainikah: Beyond this point is the property of his Excellency the Marquis. I am so sorry, but I must ask you to leave, bhadra.
Rithil’s Protectives (sign): Under Charter of His Excellency, we proudly offer such Armors as might prove indispensable to those having Business within the Mines.
[If you try to approach any Imperial blockade…]
Imperial: Sorry, but this way is closed, on the authority of the Marquis. Why? Wouldn’t you like to know.
Bhujerban (man in hat and green & brown shorts): Along this road you may find arms, armor, and a seller of magicks, newly open. Many are the miners who come to buy here, for defense is needed against the raksas, or fiends, as you call them, in the mines.
Bhujerban Sainikah: Does the presence of Imperials give you concern? Worry not, Bhujerba is neutral. Should they violate our laws, they will be dealt with, bhadra.
Street Kid: Amba, she says the raksas Diabolos will come and take me away to the mines. Who is scared by such fables!? Not me.
City Parijanah: Svagatam, traveler! Welcome! I am a parijanah, a guide. May I be of assistance? You go to the Lhusu Mines? I am afraid that the hill road to Cloudborne Row is blockaded. I advise going southward down this boulevard. Should you become lost, ask a parijanah. Good journey to you, bhadra.
Bhujerban (woman in white sitting on crate outside weaponry): So many Imperials on the street today! I thought only those on holiday came to our high streets. What could have happened?
Targe’s Arms (sign): Under Charter of His Excellency, we proudly offer such Weapons as might prove indispensable to those having Business within the Mines.

[If you try to go the way of any Imperial blockades...]

Imperial: Sorry, but this way is closed, on the authority of the Marquis. Why? Wouldn’t you like to know.

Bhujerban (man sitting on crates right next to entrance of Targe’s Arms): My wife, she goes quite often into this shop of weapons. For many hours, she does not come out. She loves weapons. She must.
Bhujerban Sainikah: I was removed from my post by Imperial soldiers! They will stand guard in my place, however. I should be thankful for the rest.
City Parijanah: The Lhusu Mines? I warn you, that is not a place for the casual visitor. Go south down this road, and through Miners’ End. There are many parijanah guides to assist you. Good journey to you, bhadra.
Bhujerban (tan bangaa pacing boulevard): I’ve heard there’s an Imperial fleet gathering not far from Bhujerba. Now, maybe they’re just passin’ through… or maybe this’s a prelude to invasion?
Bhujerban (woman in green, pink, and brown leaning against wall): I do not approve of that magickery. The ladies there are all very young, and all very helpful. So do the men flock to their door! Hanta…
Bhujerban (moogle with green pom-pom sitting on crate next to magickery door): I came here from Rabanastre to visit a friend, kupo! Them Imperials can’t throw their weight around here, can they? That said… There sure are a lot of them running around today. And what’s with all these blockades, kupo!?
Shop Clerk: Svagatam! We are newly open. Come inside Mait’s Magicks! We have only the best at Mait’s!
Mait’s Magicks (sign): Under Charter of His Excellency, we purvey Magicks restorative and defensive with which to gird oneself before embarking into the Mines.
City Parijanah: Svagatam, traveler! I am a parijanah, a sort of guide to our wonderful city. You go to the Lhusu Mines? Then go south down this road, there to pass through Miners’ End. Of course, normally one could go straight down this road, but as you can see, it is blockaded. Good journey to you, bhadra.
Bhujerban (man in turban and green & brown shorts leaning against wall): You bear little love for the Empire? Then we have something in common. Thanks to the Empire, my home, Nabradia, is no more. Yes, that’s right, I’m Nabradian. For two years I’ve lived here, waiting… but for what?
Archadian Wayfarer: …I hate to admit this, but I fear I’m lost. Ridiculous! First I get lost in Rabanastre, now in Bhujerba! It’s poor urban planning, I tell you!
City Parijanah: Traveler! May I be of assistance? If you are to go to the Lhusu Mines, I suggest you head east from here, passing through Miners’ End on your way. There are many shops along the way, should you need anything. Good journey to you, bhadra.
Bhujerban (woman in white leaning against wall): Have you been to the Khus Skygrounds? They are to the west of here. The Lhusu Mines? They are to the east. Go through Miners’ End.
Bhujerban Sainikah: The parijanah guides you see around town are working for the state to make sure all visitors to Bhujerba enjoy their time among us.
Street Kid: Did you see the soldiers? There were so many!

City Parijanah: I am a parijanah. I am here to assist. If you make for the Lhusu Mines, go down this hill and through Miners’ End. There are many parijanah guides to help you find your way. Good journey to you, bhadra.

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