Friday, December 13, 2013

The Consul's Parade

(Vaan is dashing through an alleyway, and Penelo is in close pursuit. He finally breaks onto the street where the consul's procession is going by, and pushes his way through the silently observing crowd. For a time, Vaan struggles to catch up to the vehicle that carries the new Consul. Finally, he sees the man's face; he stops running, slowing to a full halt. Penelo catches up and grasps his arm, and they watch as the procession continues on its way.)

(On the steps of the cathedral - in the same place where King Raminas once presented the sword to Prince Rasler - an Imperial soldier stands at a podium before the crowd.)

Imperial: We will have order! I give you your new consul his Imperial Highness Lord Vayne Solidor, Commandant of the Archadian Empire’s Western Arm – (noticing the Consul has stepped forward) Your Excellency!

(Vayne ascends to higher ground to speak to the assembled citizenry.)

Vayne: People of Rabanastre! Is it with hatred you look upon your consul? With hatred you look upon the Empire?

(The crowd erupts in boos and sneers.)

Citizen 1: Spit on your Empire!

Citizen 2: Go back to Archadia!

Vayne: There was little point in asking. But know this – I harbor no idle hopes of frustrating that hatred, nor shall I ask your fealty. That is the due of your fallen king, and rightly so. King Raminas loved his people. Strove to bring you peace. His was a rule worthy of your devotion. Even now, he remains among you, protecting you. His ardor for the peace and weal of Dalmasca falters not. I would ask only that you do your king honor. Together, let us embrace this peace His Majesty would surely desire. Two years now divide us from war’s bitter end, yet still its shadow looms over all, stifling the infant peace, a pall only you may cast off. Achieve but this one thing, and your hatred of me, and the Empire, will grieve me not! I will stand fast! I will endure your hatred! Suffer your slings and arrows! I will defend Dalmasca! Here I will pay my debts, I swear it now. Though King Raminas and Lady Ashe be gone, they stand ever at the side of their people. In honoring peace, you do honor to their memory, and to Dalmasca. What I ask, I ask plain. My hopes now rest with you.

(He bows deferentially. Hesitantly, some of the crowd break into applause. Among them, Vaan and Penelo, who have been sitting and listening to the speech, watch others around them clapping.)

(Afterward, one of the Imperials inquires politely of Lord Vayne.)

Imperial: Is Rabanastre to your liking, my lord?

Vayne: It is magnificent! (gesturing to the building behind them) Take this cathedral, for instance. Elegant, yet whimsical in its execution. A stunning example of Galtean architecture. I hope Lord Gramis might one day look upon it himself.

Imperial: The patron of this evening’s banquet, may it please Your Excellency.

(The Imperial gestures to the approaching Migelo.)

Migelo: I am Migelo, Your Highness. (bowing, on one knee) It is truly a profound honor to make the acquaintance… of our future emperor, Highness. The people of Rabanastre join me in welcoming –

Vayne: (cutting him off softly) That’s enough of “Highness.” Though indeed I am our emperor’s son, I am no prince. Archadia’s emperor is freely chosen by her people. I am but an elected official and nothing more.

Migelo: (looking down) I meant no disrespect.

Vayne: Now that I think on it… I would not have you address me as Lord Consul, for that matter. Henceforth, I am a citizen of Rabanastre. Why don’t you call me Vayne?

Migelo: Eh, I could not. That would not be right.

Vayne: You are overly fond of formalities. I’ve just the remedy for that. Tonight you will join me, and we shall drink until you call me by name.

(Vayne pats him on the back amiably before departing. Migelo gives one last bow. Vaan and Penelo comment on the scene from their stoop a ways away.)
Vaan: How can he stand to bow to him like that?

Penelo: Vaan, you just do not get it, do you. He’s not doing it because he wants to. You know what would happen if he didn’t?

Vaan: I know. It’s just – 

Penelo: So, what would you do different?

Vaan: I don’t know. Well, I’d do something.
(The scene fades.)

Penelo: Vaan? Vaan! You haven’t head a single word I’ve said, have you.

(The scene fades in. We see Vaan and Penelo at a bride on the North End, similar to where they were earlier.)

Penelo: This place has changed so much. It’s like it’s not even Rabanastre anymore. Like the Empire is swallowing it whole.

Vaan: Hey, Penelo. That fete tonight. You think they’ll let us in?

Penelo: Are you crazy? It’s in the palace, and we don’t have an invitation, if you hadn’t noticed.

Vaan: So… how are we getting in?

Penelo: As if I’d know. Why not ask Migelo to get you in? Or go see Old Dalan in Lowtown. Why the sudden interest, Vaan?

Vaan: I told you! I’m going to take back what’s ours! Give back to Dalmasca. C’mon, what do you think? If I find something, and it fetches a good price, how ‘bout I, uh… I buy you all dinner!

Penelo: Oh please! You know as well as I do the first thing you’d buy is an airship! (she strikes a pose as she takes on a teasing tone) All hail Vaan, sky pirate of Dalmasca! It’s got a nice ring to it! Stay outta trouble!

(Penelo waves goodbye and runs off.)

Vaan: Hmm. An airship. I dunno. Maybe. But not through Migelo. Time to pay Old Dalan a visit.

(A bangaa with a hammer slung over his shoulder passes by Vaan as he leaves, and goes around the corner to where a foreboding-looking green bangaa in black armor and with several piercings is dictating to another bangaa.)

[You are now free to enter Lowtown and leave Rabanastre.]

Previous: Eastgate: A Pedigreed Parader

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