Thursday, December 12, 2013

Opening Movie

(Year 704 Old Valendian – Kingdom of Dalmasca – The Royal City of Rabanastre)

(It begins with a flock of snow white doves flying through the blue sky, followed by airships drifting over sweeping views of the royal capital, and glimpses of the bustling marketplace. A bell chimes merrily over the scenery. The view changes again to an extravagant wedding procession coming down a main boulevard, playing a joyous fanfare. The bride and groom stand next to each other, in a carriage making its way to their wedding ceremony, waving to the excited crowds around them - Prince Rasler of Nabradia and Princess Ashelia of Dalmasca. For a moment, they turn and share a shy smile with each other.)

(The scene changes again to the interior of a grand cathedral where a priest presides over their wedding.)

Priest: In the name of the Father and in the presence of these Holy Relics, I hereby pronounce you man and wife from this time forth. May the blessings of the Gods light your path for all eternity. Faram.

(The two exchange a chaste kiss to seal their union. The bells toll and doves soar through the sky outside.)

(The scene changes, presumably to some days or even months later - a knight walks down the halls purposefully with his cape flowing behind him. His destination: the war room, where several people are having a somber discussion.)
Knight: If, following this, Archadia should launch an attack by both land and air, our kingdom will stand little –

(He is interrupted as the knight, Basch, enters the room. All look up from the great map spread over the table - including King Raminas.)

Basch: Nabudis has fallen.

(The shock is immediate.)

Raminas: Impossible!

Rasler: My father?

Basch: I know not. I am sorry.

Knight: If Nabudis has indeed fallen… it is only a matter of time before they reach the borders of Dalmasca. There is nothing to halt their advance.

Raminas: (shaking his head) Secure Nalbina with all haste.

Basch: I will go.

Rasler: And I will go at his side.

(Raminas is surprised at his words, but nods slightly in understanding.

(The scene changes again as Rasler exits the room. A great force of airships, foot soldiers, and sentries mounted on chocobo all gather in front of the palace in Rabanastre. On the steps of the palace, the royal court is gathered, and Raminas presents Rasler with a sword.)

Raminas: Galtea stand watch over your life.

Rasler: (taking the sword reverently) That I be considered worthy.

(He nods to Raminas, then looks to his right at Princess Ashe. Their eyes meet briefly, before he turns to his army and thrusts his sword in the air, shouting a battle cry. The army responds in kind. We see the airships departing before the scene changes once more.)

(The Dalmasca-Nabradia Border – Nalbina Fortress)

(In the night sky, a battle rages. Airships flying overhead shoot at each other, some of them going down in flames, some sent askew to be dashed against the paling, the shield, which surrounds the fortress. Armies struggle with each other on the ground, a fierce storm of swords and spears. In the melee, two soldiers mounted on chocobos meet briefly.)

Soldier 1: – Decurion!

Soldier 2: – Sir!

(On a battlement above, Rasler and Basch, both on chocobo, are advancing as Basch shoots down enemies with a bow, and Rasler slashes at them with his sword.)

Basch: The fortress is lost! We must withdraw!

Rasler: No! The paling still stands!

(Rasler looks to the tallest structure in the fortress. In this same tower, a group of robed mages recites a spell in unison, apparently generating the paling.)

Mages: Shield beyond sight, ne’er failing light –

(The group of mages hears a sound. They stop to see Imperial soldiers coming into the tower, and they are cut down by the Imperials' greatswords. As the magic fades, the paling begins to dissolve, like a paper being burned. The airships quickly fly in.)
Rasler: The paling’s fallen!

Basch: Then it’s over!

Rasler: For my father. For my father!

(He moves to charge at the Imperials. Basch sees an Imperial archer across the way ready his bow and take aim at Rasler.)

Basch: Lord Rasler!

(He hurriedly prepares his own bow and he and the Imperial archer shoot at the same time. The Imperial goes down first. Then the Imperial's arrow embeds itself in deep in Rasler's chest, just beneath his collarbone, before Basch can reach him. Basch hurriedly jumps onto Rasler's chocobo as Rasler slumps over. A felled airship crashes into the chaos of soldiers below; Basch charges down the enemy, retreating; as he goes, we see the tower fall.)

(The scene changes again; rain falls on a gloomy landscape. Then, inside a cathedral, the princess, Rasler's newlywed wife, in a black veil, with a somber expression. She kneels before the flower-lined casket where Rasler lies, while the priest speaks.)

Priest: Blessings of the Great Father descend… and guide your body’s return to the earth. Great Father, guide your spirit’s return… to the Mother of All. There, you shall find peace. Faram.

(Outside, ravens gather amidst the puddles as an Imperial airship sails through the gray sky. As one of the raven's wings engulfs the screen, we see the title - FINAL FANTASY XII.)

Next: "Excerpt from Memoirs of Mqs. Halim Ondore IV, Chapter 12: Of the Fall of Kingdoms"

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