Saturday, December 14, 2013

Eastgate, Southgate, Westgate

Basch: I thank you.
Balthier: I’d avoid crowds, if I were you. In this town you’re still a traitor you know.
Basch: The Resistance will surely find me soon. Fates will we meet again. I would pay my respects to your brother.
[Basch leaves them. Balthier turns to Vaan.]
Balthier: You’re a fugitive now, too. Stay low for a while.
Vaan: What about the stone?
Balthier: Do as you like. That stone’s ill-favored.
Fran: We feel regret. We sought that stone and found ourselves only worry.
Balthier: You offering it?
Vaan: It’s mine!
Balthier: Then why do you ask? Our regards to your girl.
Fran: We stay in Rabanastre a while.
[Fran and Balthier leave, and Vaan begins musing to himself (and to Reks?)]
Vaan: What do you think? Can I trust Basch? [long pause…] I gotta get rid of this thing. [pause again] But maybe I should show it to Penelo first. So she knows I got something. She’d be at Migelo’s place this time of day.
[Balthier and Fran leave the party.]
Rabanastran (woman next to chocobo pen): Quite the spectacle at the palace last night. I thought the Rozarrians had decided to invade! Imagine, all that to catch some thieves.
Rabanastran (woman in white speaking to children): The Moogling is finally running again, and let me tell you: there’s no better way to move about the city! I use it all the time.
Hapless Merchant: A good chum got sent to Nalbina just after Dalmasca lost the war – false charges, I guarantee. No matter. Doubt I’ll see him again. I’ve never been in Nalbina myself, but they say that death is the only escape. My gut tells me that’s more than just idle talk, too.
Moogling Attendant (during this period in the game, there are Moogling Attendants to explain the Moogling to you near every Moogling post): The Moogling is once again open for business, kupo! We’ll happily teleport you to any of several select locations throughout Rabanastre. And I’ve saved the best part for last: it’s free, kupo!
Just look for one of our signposts and speak with the friendly moogling moogle who’s sure to be close at hand, kupo!
Hurdy: Welcome to the Moogling, kupo. This is your first time using the Moogling? Nothing to it! The Moogling lets you teleport to several select locations across Rabanastre. We had to close for the parade earlier, but we’re up and running again, kupo! The service is free of charge. Why not give it a try? There’s no time like the present, kupo!
Horne (and all other Moogling attendants, after you’ve used the Moogling the first time or talked to one of the Moogling operators, will say this same thing, unless one of them is involved in an active quest): Welcome to the Moogling, kupo. [Moogling menu]
Adventurer: Sure, the Moogling is handy, but without some old-fashioned walkin’, I’ll never lose weight. Hard to say no to a free ride, though…
Reluctant Adventurer: It’s desert far as the eye can see out west of Rabanastre. Never been farther than the Westersand, myself. A vicious tribe are rumored to live in the wastes beyond.
Rabanastran (woman speaking with group): I’m so glad all those people from Archadia have finally gone. The aerodrome has reopened, and things are settling back to normal. Only a handful of routes open, though. A sign of the times. Few are willing to risk travel with the world as it is.

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