Rabanastran (man in hat and brown shorts outside Yugri’s): I wish there were some way to sneak into that fete tonight. Wouldn’t mind gettin’ my hands on some of them eatables, eh?
Rabanastran (light blue seeq): This is a big night for Migelo. He’s in charge of the preparations for the fete, isn’t he? Let’s hope it goes off without a hitch.
Rabanastran (tan bangaa with blindfold): I’d heard they were bringing in one of these “highborn” to be the new consul, but the son of the Emperor himself? Never expected that!
Rabanastran (woman in green and pink): At last, we can finally go back to Lowtown. I’ve had enough of these Imperials and their meaningless rules! I’m sorry, I’ve let my tongue get the better of me.
Wistful Bangaa: At least this new consul seems better than the last. ‘Course, the King and Princess, they… oh, forget I said anythin’.
Rabanastran (kid in brown who tells stories about Rabanastre): So Lowtown’s the place where most of us people in Rabanastre live. There are stairs down to Lowtown here in the East End, and, uh… Oh yeah! The North End and Southgate, too! Hmm, I may need to get some better material if I expect people to keep coming, huh. Maybe I’ll go talk to Old Dalan and see if he has any good stories I can… borrow.
Lonely Boy: I sure feel sorry for all the people what got forced to move down to Lowtown.
Rabanastran (guy in green and brown shorts on bridge): So, whaddaya think? Will Migelo be able to call this new consul by his first name tonight? Honestly, I don’t think he has it in him.
Rabanastran (blue seeq near market entrance): Sure, the parade was fun, but it wasn’t that hearty belly laugh kind o’ fun. You get me?
Rabanastran (man in green and brown shorts near Panamis’s): We’re nothing but servants groveling at the feet of the Empire… Seeing Migelo at the ceremony today was enough to remind me of that.
Town Gossip: Quite a parade, wasn’t it? I always feel a little sad when something like that ends…
Bucco: Hey, Vaan. I saw you and Penelo together during the parade. You sly dog…
Rabanastran (black bangaa chatting with seeq): My friend here says there are 22,505 cobblestones in the Southern Plaza ‘round the corner, not including the tiles in the fountain. But even with the stones by the city gates… ‘Course, he could be countin’ the flagstones, too. That would be another matter altogether.
Imperial: The Consul’s appointment ceremony may be over, but our regular watch will continue as before. Mind how you behave, churl.
Previous: North End & Yamoora's Gambits
Next: East End Shops
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