Sunday, December 15, 2013

East End Shops

Amal’s Weaponry
Rabanastran (tan bangaa): There hasn’t been any official proclamation yet, but apparently some insurgents staged an assault on the palace the night of the fete. You could hear the commotion all over the city. It quieted down soon enough, though. Maybe it was just part of the night’s entertainment?
Imperial/Sherral: These weapons inspections may not seem like much, but they’re vital to restricting the supply of arms to insurgents and other undesirables. What would happen if powerful weapons should find their way to the insurgents? War, that’s what. So must we be ever vigilant.
Amal: Say, aren’t you the lad that minds Migelo’s shop when he’s busy? Poor thing… Oh, sorry. Must’ve confused you with someone else. No harm meant by it, boy. Now, how may I help you? [shop menu]
Panamis’s Protectives
Rabanastran (man browsing curio): The news of thieves in the palace had put a little spring in my step, but that was the last interesting thing to happen ‘round here. Peace and quiet is all well and good, but it can be rather dull.
Lively Bangaa: The Consul may have changed, but you wouldn’t know it to look out on the streets. Though I do suppose these things take time.
Panamis: We’ve a fine assortment of armors for the choosing. There’s sure to be something to tickle your fancy! Why, that’s a most unusual stone you’ve got there! Don’t suppose you’d be interested in sellin’? N-No, what am I saying! If I go off buying odd knickknacks again, me mum will have a fit! Now, where was I? Ah, yes! Armors! Armors for the choosing! [shop menu]
Yugri’s Magicks
Rabanastran (woman in blue, yellow, and pink browsing shelves): I’m sure you’ve heard about the insurgents who stormed the palace. It made me realize just how important it is to be able to defend yourself. All’s quiet now, but who can say what the future may bring?
Earnest Seeq: Magicks is a fickle mistress… I can’t make no sense of her. But sense or senseless, I done made up me mind to have at her, and let the chips fall where they may.
Yugri: Are you sure you shouldn’t be helping Migelo today? With him and Penelo out, poor Kytes is minding the shop by himself. Sorry, you came to shop, not to talk. [shop menu]
The Sandsea
Rabanastran (man sitting at table with woman): Those Imperials have finally left the balcony… I can’t remember the last time I sat down to a meal without knowing they were watching. If it feels this good to have them out of the Sandsea, imagine how good it would feel to be rid of them altogether.
Tavernmaster: A pair of what looked to be sky pirates came in just now. A viera and a hume… can you imagine?
Rabanastran (black bangaa chatting with Tomaj): You remember that hullabaloo the night of the Consul’s fete? The explosions, the airships… Well, they say it was over some thieves that broke into the palace, but I don’t fool that easy. They’re hidin’ somethin’, I know it.
Barkeep (man standing a foot of stairs): You’ve heard of Bhujerba, the skycity, yes? When I was young, I used to think if I could get to Bhujerba, I could become a sky pirate… Ignorance can be such bliss. Speaking of sky pirates, you should get a look at the fellow up on the balcony.
Balthier: I believe our business is finished, yes? Hadn’t you better say hello to all your little friends?
Fran: She must worry for you. Balthier’s handkerchief may dry her tears, but it cannot console her.
Balthier: That’s right. I’d prefer to get that back with as few tear stains as possible. Better hurry.

Balthier (x2): Well, hadn’t you better say hello to all your little friends? Surely someone will be glad to see you’re back.

Fran (x2): Surely you have somewhere else you should be. Does no one await your return?
Batahn’s Technicks
Rabanastran (woman speaking with moogle): I thought – Tomaj said – Weren’t you captured and sent to Nalbina? …You escaped!? You? I shouldn’t have written you off so easily. Have you said hello to Migelo or Penelo yet? Poor Penelo’s been inconsolable since you left.
Rabanastran (woman chatting with red bangaa): The Consul’s begun making changes throughout the city. Who knows, there may even be new jobs to be had. I may start looking for one myself.
Batahn: Ah, Vaan. You haven’t seen Penelo lately, have you? No, no, I don’t need her for anything in particular. Usually she’s stopped in to see if there are any chores need doing by now, and I was curious why she hadn’t is all… Now, what can I get for you? [shop menu]

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